Couple shares their journey to better manage diabetes


Kanoe Gibson talks to Peggi and Allen Wallace on Hi Now!

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Allen and Peggi Wallace joined `Ekahi’s diabetes management program, and it changed their lives by helping them to live a healthier lifestyle. The couple was interested in ‘Ekahi Health’s holistic approach to wellness in order to address health issues. Recent health issues within both of their families became the catalyst to contact ‘Ekahi and start their journey.

“If we didn’t do anything to help ourselves, we could have potentially have been facing these health issues as well,” Peggi says.

The couple experienced both individual provider sessions and group classes called Hui.

“Attending the sessions together gave us the opportunity to hear the information that was presented, to discuss with each other and the hui any of the information that we had questions or concerns about,” Allen explains.

“For me, I enjoyed having accountability to our Hui 5 and to each other,” Peggi adds. “Allen and I were able give and get support from each other, the other hui members and the Ekahi staff members.”

Hui sessions share a wealth of information about diabetes, nutrition, exercise, stress management, group therapy and overall health. The couple says being able to discuss the information in a shared group setting made them realize that they were not alone in trying to improve their health and enjoy a positive overall lifestyle.

“My health had definitely improved My blood pressure, Alc and cholesterol have significantly decreased,” Allen says. ” I am eating much healthier and making better food choices in my journey to wellness.”

“As the weight comes off slowly, I find my mobility and energy has increased,” says Peggi. “In addition to my A1c and cholesterol decreasing, I am embracing a diet based-in-plants, increasing exercise, and learning to manage stress better.”

For more information click ‘Ekahi Ornish Lifestyle Medicine or ‘Ekahi Diabetes Management Program. Click Central Medical Clinic for more information on our primary care physicians, team-based care, pediatricians, gynecologists, and surgeons on the Kuakini campus.